Monday, October 5, 2009

Photo Challenge #36

When the white eagle of the North
Is flying overhead
And the browns, reds and golds of autumn
Lie in the gutter, dead

Remember then, the summer birds
With wings of fire flaying
Come to witness Spring's new hope
Born of leaves decaying

Just as new life will come from death
Love will come at leisure
Love of love, love of life
And giving without measure

Give in return a wondrous yearn
Of a promise almost seen
Live hand-in-hand
And together we'll stand

On the threshold of a dream....
--The Moody Blues

All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream. - Edgar Allen Poe


  1. it is amazing how absolutely stunning and peaceful all of the photos are- what a beautiful series!!
    I love the softness of it all- like it is still new in the day- like waking up from a dream :)
    glad you got pics in this week- it's a fun thing to share with you!!
    love you lots~ Em

  2. These are gorgeous. I also love the words that you chose to portray. I love the feeling these have. The third is my favorite! I love the layers and lines in this landscape....stunning and I want to be standing where you were holding a cup of coffee experiencing the same thing with my own eyes....just waking up from a dream perhaps. ;) Fantastic job! Thanks for sharing this week.

  3. Great series! I love the softness of the fog in the pictures. I love the colors in the goose pic, but I think I would've liked is more it they were off to the right and you could see their flight path in front of them.
